Getting Top Dollar for Your Home

Getting Top Dollar for Your Round Rock Home

As a trusted Realtor® with 24th Street Realty, I understand that homeowners in Round Rock and surrounding areas who want to sell their homes desire to get top dollar. While there are limits to how much a home will sell for depending on its size, the area where it’s located, comparative home values, and the overall market, there are a few things you can do to ensure you get the best price for your home. Here are a few tips.

A little paint can work miracles. Well, perhaps not miracles, but painting is one simple thing you can do that doesn’t cost a lot, but makes a big difference in how potential buyers perceive your home. If paint is chipped or looks old/faded, giving it a fresh coat of paint gives walls, ceilings, or even cabinets a fresh new look. New paint also gives your home a cleaner smell, important to buyers.

Curb appeal, one area that cannot be stressed enough. Everyone notices a home that looks neat and well cared for. Whether your landscape needs some work, the porch or deck is in need of repair, or it’s a simple matter of picking up limbs and trimming around walkways, make sure your home and lawn are as attractive as possible from the outside. That first impression is the most important of all!

Clean, clean, clean. Although you may have become immune to the odors in your home, buyers who enter will smell everything, from tobacco or pet odors to cooking odors. Clean your home from top to bottom to get it in tip-top shape in terms of looks, and smell. Shampoo carpets, scrub bathrooms and kitchen appliances, vacuum, dust, clean windows and blinds or other window treatments, use candles to add a pleasant aroma to your home. One more thing – clear the clutter! Put away everything that is not in use. Clutter is a BIG turn off to potential buyers.

Invest in plumbing repairs and updated wiring. Most buyers avoid homes with old wiring that isn’t maintained to code, and a leaky faucet or other plumbing issues can present problems as well. If you have a leak under the bathroom vanity, the showerhead isn’t working properly, or there are more serious plumbing issues, have them repaired by a professional. The same goes with wiring; old wiring can be dangerous, and updated wiring/electrical panels will indicate to buyers that you have made the effort to maintain your home. Also put away extension cords.

Taking the time to make a few changes can substantially change the way potential buyers view your home, which can translate to a better price. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes – would you want a messy, cluttered home that smells, or one with walls that will have to be painted before you move in?

For more tips on selling your Round Rock area home for top dollar, contact me. I understand that no one wants to give the farm away; as an experienced Round Rock real estate professional, I will help you sell your home for the best possible price!

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